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Stack of Books

Check out some of the most common questions we’ve been asked by our patrons. Hopefully you can find the answer you’re looking for, but please don’t hesitate to contact us with any additional inquiries.

Answers You Need

Frequently Asked Questions

How many items can I check out at once?

For students, you are allowed to check out 3 books maximum.

How do I sign up for a library card?

The library staff will give a library card for each student. If the library card is lost, you are going to pay PHP 50.00 for the replacement.

How do I borrow books in the online setting?

Inform the library personnel 1 to 2 days before, for them to prepare the books needed if it is available. You will receive confirmation as when to pick up the said book/s.

Who will pick up the books borrowed - Bring your identification card in coming to school. Fill up the necessary information to the borrowing card / logbook.

Where to pick up the books - DCSR guard house

How do I renew my items?

Materials can be renewed online and in person.

My book/s are overdue. How much do I have to pay?

Borrowers who fail to return a book on time shall be collected an overdue fine of PHP 5.00 per book each day, except during weekends or holidays. Overdue notices will be sent to delinquent borrowers through class advisers.

I have lost the item I borrowed. What do I do?

A lost book while on loan must be reported immediately to the Circulation Section to avoid accumulation of fines. A lost book must be replaced a month after it has been reported lost.

How do I cancel my request of borrowing a book through online?

You must cancel your request via e-mail.

We have online borrowing and reference services for online students.

©2022 by Dominican College of Sta. Rosa Libraries. Created with

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